Initial Appointment
Step 1: Gather your Documents
Your information will not be disclosed to anyone and will only be used to determine your eligibility and processing through MEPS. Please click the button above to review the privacy act.
You will need the all original certified copies of the following documents:
US Birth Certificate (if applicable)
Social Security Card
High School Diploma or Home School Diploma and validation letters or High School Letter or GED certificate
Driver’s License or Permit or Military ID
College Transcripts, OFFICIAL copies (if applicable)
Permanent Resident Card (for you/and or spouse, if applicable)
Marriage Certificate (if applicable)
Spouse US Birth Certificate, Social Security Card, and ID (if applicable)
Child(ren) Birth Certificate and Social Security Card (if applicable)
Name Change Documents (if applicable)
JROTC certificate or letter (if applicable)
**If you do not have one of the items above let your recruiter know.
A request for the following documents must be initiated by your initial appointment:
-Medical Documents
-Documentation of any law violations, fines, tickets, confinement or probation...ect.
-Divorce Decree or Separation Documentation with your custodial agreement if you have children
-Documentation of any delinquent accounts, bankruptcy, past due bills..ect.
-Letter of Intent to graduate from your counselor if you are a High School Student
Complete your Case File & Medical Pre-Screener
Case File: This should be filled out completely, printed off and bring to your appointment.
Applicants 17 years of Age
Both parents must give their consent for 17-year old enlistees unless the parents are divorced or legally separated or one parent is deceased. In those situations, the divorce decree, separation agreement, or death certificate must be included in the application or hand-carried by the applicant to the MEPS. The consenting parent must be the custodial parent (or both, if joint custody). If the applicant has a court-appointed guardian, the guardian‘s consent is required and a copy of the court order must be included in the application or hand-carried by the applicant to the MEPS. If a court order, separation agreement, or death certificate is not available, the consenting adults must make a sworn affidavit in the presence of a notary public attesting to the fact of custody. This document must be included in the application or hand-carried to the MEPS. Parental consent is required on the DD Form 1966, Record of Military Processing - Armed Forces of the United States, before enlistment processing (Exception: aptitude testing). The form must be signed in the presence of an Air Force recruiting official or notarized. When signed by only one parent (because the other parent is absent for an extended period), a notarized statement from the parent signing the form will be attached, showing (1) the specific for the absence of the other parent, and (2) that the absent parent is aware of and consents to the enlistment. When one parent cannot be contacted (desertion of one party), the signing parent will provide a notarized statement, giving the reason and period of other parent‘s absence. Parental or guardian consent is not required for a married 17-year old applicant. Emancipated 17-year-olds may enlist with an approved parental consent waiver from the Squadron Commander.
Step 2: ASVAB Practice Test or PiCAT
AFQT Predictor Test (ATP)
The APT is a web based and provides a potential AFQT score. The APT only takes 10-20 minutes to complete on any computer using Internet Explorer or Chrome browsers. Applicants use the “Test Delivery” application to take the APT at the following link below. Recruiters with access can register applicants to take the APT. I will issue you a registration code. Access codes are valid for 30 days; once an access code is used, the applicant has 48 hours to complete the test. There is no limit on the number of times an applicant can be registered and receive an access code to take the APT.
The PiCAT is a Pending Internet Computerized Adaptive Test. This test predicts future military training and job success. People with high scores on this test have a better chance of qualifying for entry into the military and into select jobs within the military. In order for the scores to be a good measure of your qualification,they must be accurate. Following the instructions below will help increase the accuracy of your scores. You should be well-rested when you take the test. You should also try your best on the test, and take the test in a quiet place and without interruptions. You should try to finish the test without stopping. It takes most people about two hours or less to complete all parts of the test. You should not look up answers to test questions or obtain answers from others, as your final score will not be representative of your true abilities. Use only your own knowledge to answer the questions---do not use unauthorized assistance. As you take the test, you should have a pencil and scratch paper in front of you for any figuring you need to do. Any other materials should NOT be used, including reference books, internet sources, a calculator, and other such help. The PiCAT is a computerized ASVAB test similar to the CAT-ASVAB and may be used as the official ASVAB. It has the same number of subtests and test length as CAT-ASVAB. Only applicants who have never taken the ASVAB (school or CAT) are eligible to take the PiCAT. PiCAT is only administered once per applicant, no PiCAT retesting is authorized.
Important: The Access Code is valid for 3 days from the date and time of this registration. After the Access Code has been used, you have a maximum of 24 hours to complete the test. If you are not able to start the test or complete a previously-started test within the time limits, FOR ANY REASON, you will not be able to register for the test again. Please make sure that you, the examinee, will be able to take the PiCAT during this timeframe. There are no exceptions if these time frames are missed and you will have no choice but to take the full ASVAB at a MEPS or MET site. If you have any further questions regarding this please contact your recruiter. To take the Prescreen ASVAB, use Internet Explorer browser.
Step 3: Review Professional Relationships Video
- Professional relationship
- You are encouraged to communicate freely with our recruiter regarding your career, DEP performance, and personal concerns. This type of communication enhances performance, morale, and discipline and improves the recruiting experience. At the same time, it preserves proper respect for authority and focuses on the mission.
Unprofessional Relationship
Whether pursued on or off duty, relationships are unprofessional when they detract from the authority of superiors or result in (or reasonably create the appearance of) favoritism, misuse of office or position, or the abandonment of organizational goals for personal interests.
Expectations for the recruit and the recruiter
- Maintain high standards of conduct and be totally professional in their relationships.
- Not establish, develop, attempt to develop, or conduct a personal, intimate, or sexual relationship.
- Prohibited personal, intimate, or sexual relationships include those unprofessional relationships conducted in person and/or via cards, letters, e-mails, telephone calls, instant messaging, video, photographs, or any other means of communication.
- Recruiter will not abuse position or rank.
- Recruiter will not become involved in any financial obligations/transactions associated with a recruit.
- Social contacts i.e. Unofficial Facebook are prohibited.
- Inappropriate text, E-mail, etc. are prohibited.
- Regardless of age, recruiters will not consume or purchase alcohol products with any applicant or recruit.
- Role is similar to your high school guidance counselor.
- Come to me with problems, questions, or concerns.
- Faced with many decisions, but may not have the experience and knowledge to make the best choice.
- Base choices, what fits your personal and professional desires
- Money management, don’t over extend the money you make
- Job choices, qualification, availability, etc.
- I am always here to give you guidance, reach back and contact me throughout your career.
- Provide you encouragement and support for you to be successful.
- Pursue education
- Community Involvement/volunteer opportunity
- Fitness and nutrition
- Networking/building relationship in the community
- Career advancement/promotions
- Give you the information to prepare for your transition into the Air Force.
- DEP Commander Call
- Entitlements
- Promotions
- Basic Military Training